
How to manage files via cPanel File Manager Print

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You can also use the built-in File Manager capabilities of your cPanel which is easy and doesn't require anything but a web browser to use.

Accessing File Manager

  1. Login to your website control panel
  2. Click File Manager under the Files category
  3. Click the option for Web Root (which will open public_html)
  4. Check the box to show Hidden Files
  5. Click Go

Uploading Files via File Manager

  1. Open the directory you want to upload data into by clicking its name (eg. public_html)
  2. Click Upload from the toolbar
  3. Click Choose...
  4. Find the file you want to upload from the popup on your computer
  5. Click OK or Open
  6. Repeat 3~5 as needed
  7. Each file will upload as it is selected, wait for each chosen file to reach 100% or Complete
  8. Click Back to... (it will display your path) to leave this area

That is how you can upload files via File Manager and best of all new upload boxes will be added as you work if you have a lot of files to process.

NOTE: To upload files of the SAME name (eg. an updated index.php) check the Overwrite Existing Files box prior to step 3.

Upload Multiple Files via File Manager

  1. Open the directory you want to upload data into by clicking its name
  2. Click Upload from the toolbar
  3. Click Choose...
  4. Find the archive (eg. ZIP, TAR.GZ, TGZ, GZ) you wish to upload from the popup on your computer
  5. Click OK or Open
  6. After the upload is completed, click Back to... to go back to your File Manager
  7. Highlight the newly uploaded archive
  8. Click Extract from the toolbar
  9. Type the location you want it extracted to (eg. public_html/forum)
  10. Click the Extract Files button
  11. Click Close after extraction is complete.

This is an excellent way to upload a large number of files in a short time and to the correct locations as the extraction follows the directory structure within the archive.

Removing Files via File Manager

  1. Open the directory you want to remove files from
  2. Click to highlight one or more files/directories you want to delete
  3. Click Delete from the toolbar
  4. Confirm the files pending delete are ONLY those you want to remove
  5. Click the Delete File(s) button

Changing File/Directory Permissions

  1. Click to highlight the files and/or folders you wish to CHMOD
  2. Click Change Permissions from the toolbar
  3. Check the permissions appropriate for those files/folders en masse
  5. Click the Change Permissions button Remember to never CHMOD below 4XX or you will encounter issues.

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